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" Jill needed no second invitation and drove the dildo into Julie's ass filling and stretching her opening. Turning to Lynne who was still embedded in Sue's pussy she exclaimed "Let's ride these bitches sister until they beg for more". Lynne pulled the wet dildo from Sue pussy and placing it at her anal star began to gently push. As she did so she began telling Sue, "You love this don't you slut? You want Lynne to ream your ass don't you slut?" Sue started to deny it as she had never even let her husband touch her ass but her brain was screaming out to get fucked. Looking over at Julie who was getting pumped by Jill and obviously enjoying turned her head and snarled at Lynne "Well what are you waiting for, fuck me hard". Lynne resisted the urge to slam into her and steadily pushed the dildo in. Sue began to swear and curse as it slipped deeper and deeper into her virgin ass willing Lynne on with "Oh yes... shit... oh fucking yes... Oh fuck me like a whore... god it's so fucking big".. Other mutants, we allow to survive and observe them. If their mutation seems useful, we allow 'em to have children. If not, they live out their lives, but don't leave any offspring. That's kind of how we got looking like this so quickly. Of course, the radiation itself weeded out those gene strains that weren't resistant to it. They usually got sterile or didn't survive long enough to have kids. Oh yeah! I forgot! The Plastifoam, with its high hydrogen content, actually shields out the few stray neutrons, as well as alpha and beta particles, but X and gamma rays still get through pretty much unchecked." What do you mean by 'useful' mutations?" I asked."Well, aside from the usual," the doctor answered, "you know, extra fingers, toes, etc. We occasionally get some really useful changes to our makeup. Most of the crew tending the sails is extremely resistant to radiation, and the emergency response teams now are almost entirely made up of individuals that can actually survive in vacuum.
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